Anonymous erklärt Russland den Cyber-Krieg
Das Hacker-Kollektiv Anonymous hat sich in den Ukraine-Krieg involviert und sich solidarisch mit der Ukraine erklärt. In der Folge hat das berüchtigte Cyber-Kollektiv Russland den “Cyber-Krieg” erklärt und eine Serie an Attacken auf wichtige russische Webseiten gestartet – darunter die Nachrichtenplattform “RT News” und die Seite des Kreml.
Der Ukraine-Krieg ist in vollem Gange – physisch, aber auch digital. Am Donnerstag meldete sich das berüchtigte Hacker-Kollektiv “Anonymous” zu Wort und erklärte Wladimir Putin den Cyber-Krieg. Anonymous bekannte sich dazu, in “Operationen gegen die Russische Föderation involviert” zu sein. Das Kollektiv betonte dabei, dass sich alle Angriffe ausschließlich gegen die russische Regierung und Putin richten würden und das erklärte Ziel der virtuellen Hack-Attacken der Frieden auf der Welt sei. Anonymous stehe zu hundert Prozent auf der Seite der Ukraine.
⚠️#BREAKING | Anonymous has declared cyber war on Russia.#Ukrainian #worldwar3 #Ukraine #Russia #RussiaUkraine #RussiaUkraineCrisis pic.twitter.com/Umhi48QwjO
— New News EU (@Newnews_eu) February 25, 2022
#Anonymous is currently involved in operations against the Russian Federation. Our operations are targeting the Russian government. There is an inevitability that the private sector will most likely be affected too. While this account cannot claim to speak for the whole (con)
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) February 24, 2022
Put yourselves in the shoes of the Ukrainians being bombed right now. Together we can change the world, we can stand up against anything. It is time for the Russian people to stand together and say "NO" to Vladimir Putin's war.
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) February 24, 2022
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion
Expect us.
#Anonymous is currently involved in operations against the Russian Federation. Our operations are targeting the Russian government. There is an inevitability that the private sector will most likely be affected too. While this account cannot claim to speak for the whole (con)
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) February 24, 2022
Still offline https://t.co/MkfZOOVCbW
— Anonymous (@LiteMods) February 25, 2022
JUST IN: #Anonymous has taken down the website of the #Russian propaganda station RT News | https://t.co/Gjg7QDMJ6y | in response to Kremlin's brutal invasion of #Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/pUoo7o5TWF
— Anonymous TV 🌐 (@YourAnonTV) February 24, 2022
JUST IN: #Anonymous has taken down the website of the #Russian propaganda station RT News | https://t.co/Gjg7QDMJ6y | in response to Kremlin's brutal invasion of #Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/pUoo7o5TWF
— Anonymous TV 🌐 (@YourAnonTV) February 24, 2022
yo, you want your site offline?
— Anonymous (@LiteMods) February 25, 2022
yo, you want your site offline?
— Anonymous (@LiteMods) February 25, 2022
Mr.Putin, you have invaded a sovereign nation in the name of #Russian hegemony, and threatened peace and stability in the region with your actions.
— Anonymous TV 🌐 (@YourAnonTV) February 24, 2022
This will not stand.
A virus has been detected. #Anonymous is working to correct the system failure.#OpRussia #StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/1CRi8cpLeC